The 12th Pan-pacific Continence Society (PPCS) Annual Meeting


Location: Seoul, Korea
Dates:  August 31- September 1, 2017


Submission deadline: April/30/2017

Call for paper:

Only MS-Word is accepted for submission

Use Times New Roman font of 12pts

The limit in the abstract is 1000 words

The abstract should include: title, authors, institution, introduction, aims of study, materials and methods, results and conclusion

Please underline the name of the presenter

Abstract Submission: Secretary of Taiwan Continence Society

台灣福爾摩莎婦女泌尿醫學會 敬祝您~中秋佳節愉快!台灣福爾摩莎婦女泌尿醫學會 婦女泌尿繼續教育~歡迎踴躍報名!FUGA x TAG x TAMIG combined meeting~ 歡迎踴躍報名!!FUGA 中區研討會~ COMING SOON!!台灣福爾摩莎婦女泌尿(暨骨盆重建)專科醫師甄審~ COMING SOON!!FUGA 2024年會暨婦女泌尿高峰論壇~ COMING SOON!!台灣福爾摩莎婦女泌尿醫學會 敬祝您~龍年行大運!!台灣福爾摩莎婦女泌尿醫學會 祝您~婦女節快樂!台灣福爾摩莎婦女泌尿醫學會 祝您~母親節快樂!!台灣福爾摩莎婦女泌尿醫學會 祝各位~端午節快樂!